Is your dog in pain?
Do you have a nagging feeling that there’s something going on with your dog, but you just can’t figure out what it is?
You may have taken your dog to the vet and been given the all-clear, but you still suspect that there’s something going undetected.
But how can you get to the bottom of it?
It can be very challenging for a veterinarian to find a source of pain with such a short consultation, regardless of how amazing they are. Your dog is often in a state of heightened adrenalin in the consulting room, which affects their movement, muscles and responses to touch.
How to uncover the truth
I’m a qualified, dynamic dog practitioner, which means that with a deep understanding and the knowledge of the dog’s inner structures and systems, we can discern how emotional and physical health may affect a dog’s behaviour. Everything is connected, and that is why we insist on a FULL and DETAILED assessment when working with you & your dog.
We work together to provide your vet with video footage of your dog in their everyday environments, to deliver the data and evidence your vet needs to make an accurate assessment of your dog.

How does it work?

We start with a 60-90 minute virtual or in-person meeting depending on your location
We will want to know EVERYTHING and this often leads us down previously unexplored areas.
I’ll assess your dog’s movement and posture. Photos and videos of your dog doing daily activities will be used to gather data about his or hers physical issues.
We’ll gather and collate the information your vet needs. A detailed veterinary report and supporting evidence are prepared and relayed to your dogs vet.
I’ll be on hand to collaborate with you and your vet to find the right solutions for your dog so that underlying health issues can be diagnosed and supported, thereby minimising the impact on your dogs behaviour.

Price: From £185 (payment plans available)
Musculoskeletal, painful gastrointestinal and dermatological conditions are commonly recognised as significant to the animal’s problem behaviour.
Pain and Problem Behavior in Cats and Dogs – Daniel Mills et al

Is your dog’s behaviour trying to tell you something?
Is your dog chewing everything in sight? Or barking up a storm and getting in a tizz?
You might be surprised to learn that these behaviours are commonly linked to physical pain or discomfort.
Chewing releases endorphins which help your dog to self-soothe, which is why your dog is chewing everything or eating things they shouldn’t! When your dog is feeling compromised, they can often overreact by barking, lunging or guarding because they feel vulnerable.
Pain plays an important role in problem behaviour ranging from separation anxiety, resource guarding, reactivity, pica (eating non-food items) and compulsive disorders, all of which can be rooted in pain.
Recent research strongly suggests that there is a correlation between pain in dogs and problem behaviours.
If your dog’s behaviour has suddenly changed or deteriorated, it’s essential to explore a thorough assessment of whether there is pain involved alongside managing and training new behaviours.
Excessive chewing or licking
Aggressive or possessive behaviour
Changes in eating, drinking or sleeping habits
Noise sensitivity
Increased barking or vocalisation
Intermittent or continuous lameness or limping
Changes in posture or gait
Heavy panting or breathing
Excessive itching
Difficulty settling
Reluctance to walk or jump on and off furniture
Sudden changes in behaviour

When your dog feels good, it shows!

If your dog is in pain, getting that pain under control is a vital part of your training plan. When your dog is feeling good, we are in a fantastic position to train new behaviours and break old habits once and for all.
With combined care, you will see faster results that make day to day life with your dog happier, more predictable and peaceful.
So you can focus on enjoying time with your dog again, without stressing about how on earth to control their troublesome habits!